Friday, July 01, 2005

Socialists and Right-Wingers Get Together in Spain to Enforce Marital Equality of Housework with the Long Arm of the Law

given that i myself am scheduled to be married soon, i can only hope this legal stricture doesn't take hold in america.

ha ha!

but seriously, this is incredible. men will now be required by law to do an equal share of housework, so that judges will now take into account men's fidelity to their housework pledge when making divorce rulings on such things as access to children. says the article:

The reforms were something "feminists have been wanting for a long time" because the "idea of equality within marriage always stumbles over the problem of work in the house and caring for dependent people".

"We Spanish women are too clean, and we aren't good enough at moaning," Ms Uria said. She said that despite the focus on Spanish women's onerous housework burden the new laws were directed at men who foisted the responsibility of care for their elderly parents on their wives.

this wasn't the first step, though, that the spaniards have taken in this direction. i was amazed to learn this particular fact:

Attempts to blast Spanish males out of their cosy reliance on women as girlfriends, wives, chefs, cleaners, childcarers and custodians of the elderly include technological changes to household appliances. The latest washing machine, named "Your Turn", prevents the same person - typically a wife and mother - from using the appliance consecutively by adopting fingerprint recognition technology.

the only thing i can think of that would be better than this would be 'your turn' diapers that refused to come off the poor baby sitting in his own rot unless a different person changed them from the last time he soiled himself. that would show those men, wouldn't it?!?


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