Friday, August 27, 2004

on the subject of what i like to call 'the john kerry fight watch', the DNC has a new ad (text available along with an analysis with him fighting all over the place (forms of the verb 'to fight' capitalized for your identificational ease):

Announcer: It's beneath the office of the President. We were all together in this country after 9/11...and we all wish it had stayed that way. But now President Bush is attacking John Kerry on terrorism. And once again, his facts are wrong.

John Kerry FOUGHT to establish the Department of Homeland Security. George Bush opposed it for almost a year after 9/11.

And John Kerry was FIGHTING for legislation to cut off terrorist money laundering even before 9/11. His proposal became a key part of the Patriot Act.

Now, John Kerry has a plan to FIGHT terrorism the smart way...double the number of Special Forces...focus on nuclear terrorism...and rebuild our international alliances so we can FIGHT terrorism together. John Kerry...a president to make us stronger.

Paid for by Democratic National Committee, www dot democrats dot org. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. The Democratic National Committee is responsible for the content of this advertisment.

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