Thursday, August 19, 2004

this, from an AP story, made me laugh:

Sen. John Kerry accused President Bush on Thursday of relying on front groups to challenge his record of valor in Vietnam, asserting, "He wants them to do his dirty work."

boo hoo. first of all, thank mccain-feingold. second of all, i haven't heard kerry denouncing, for example, michael moore and, those paragons of truth. i would like to tell him, in my best schwarzenegger: stop whining. but i do like the way kerry is always portrayed as 'fighting back', with his customary 'bring it on line'. to wit:

Fighting back, Kerry said if Bush wants to "have a debate about our service in Vietnam, here is my answer: 'Bring it on.'" Bush served stateside in the Texas Air National Guard during the war.

even though kerry apparently cannot keep his facts straight about several aspects of that period, he probably would rather debate about that than anything like, say, issues, concering which he doesn't have anything interesting or useful to say, and, when pushed, just makes himself sound a lot like president bush with a few international friends. going to war even if we knew there were no WMDs? human life begins at conception? i don't know, john--sounds a lot like someone else i've heard about called THE PRESIDENT.

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