Monday, September 20, 2004
via drudge, the latest blast of hot air from michael mo(o)re means less can be found here. i think that i might be persuaded to comment on it more if there were even one comprehensible sentence in it. but between his self-congratulation and obvious dim-wittedness, there's not a whole lot of meat there to chew on, so i'll leave it to the local preschool to take it apart, which probably boasts a level of incisiveness unparalleled in the fantasy kingdom of mr. penthouse manhattan working-class gas-bag. and anyway, his 'inner soldier/protester' collocution at the end of the piece (and all of kerry's appropriations of both personae at subsequent times, according to political convenience, that it conjures up), though not intended to be humorous or oxymoronic, i'm quite sure, says most of what needs to be said about the kerry candidacy.