Monday, November 08, 2004

so much for michael moore's 'minutemen':

The Iraqis who have risen up against the occupation are not "insurgents" or "terrorists" or "The Enemy." They are the REVOLUTION, the Minutemen, and their numbers will grow -- and they will win. Get it, Mr. Bush?

that was mons. moore himself, political luminary extraordinaire, on 14 april 2004.

but here's what iraqis say, according to a survey cited in arthur chrenkoff's opinion journal column today (link via memeorandum):

Powerline blog, via one of its readers, brings to our attention the results of an opinion poll that is not getting any publicity outside Iraq. "[The] poll taken in Baghdad, Mosul and Dehok and published in Iraq on October 25. The poll probably over-sampled Sunnis, which makes its results even more striking":

63% of Iraqis say that the withdrawal of American and allied forces will not be in the best interest of Iraq, it will undermine the work towards security and control of the country. 27% say that it would be in the best interest of Iraq. 9% had no opinion.

58% say that terrorists do the kidnappings and assassination of police and soldiers.
9% say that patriots fighting for Iraq carry them out. 32% say ignorant Iraqis who have been brain washed & misled carry them out.

89% said that the terrorism, kidnapping, beheadings and assassination of police and security forces do not help the freeing of Iraq and the building of a stable country. 6% said that it would help free Iraq and build stability. 4% had no opinion.

It seems that insurgents are failing not only to win popular support but also to slow the march toward democracy. Iraq's Shia religious establishment has now thrown its weight and moral authority behind the election:

Ahmed Al Safi, a senior aide of Ayatollah Sistani announced . . . that "Those who don't participate in the elections will end up in hell" and he added in his speech "We must bear the responsibility and we must all participate in the elections because it's a patriotic duty and not doing so is like treason." He also denied the news that spread about Sistani preparing or supporting a particular list of candidates.

i think that the ayatollah's pronouncement of eternal damnation as a penalty for not voting might be a bit of a stretch, but you get the point.

michael moore, as usual, does not.

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