Thursday, January 06, 2005

HYPERBOLE ABOUNDS AT MEETING OF SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE (via M): in the early part of the proceedings, sen. arlen specter had the following to say (emphasis mine):

As we begin a new term, I pay tribute to my distinguished colleague, Senator Hatch, who has chaired this committee for most of the past 10 years and has been responsible for some of the most innovative and far-reaching legislation which has ever come from the Congress of the United States.

needless to say, i'm not convinced that someone who is, according to specter, responsible for some of the most 'far-reaching' legislation of all time should be the object of unflinching praise.

he then said the following, on which i have no comment:

And he has handled these duties in a (sic) atmosphere sometimes contentious, sometimes difficult, but always with good cheer and always with aplomb and always with a balance. And I have admired especially his stamina. We affectionately refer to him as "Iron Pants," as he has chaired this committee with such great distinction.

'iron pants'?

hatch is, apparently, not one to be outdone in the overstatement department. he responded by saying,

Well, I'm very honored to make that presentation to Arlen Specter, who's one of the best lawyers we've ever had serve in the United States Senate, among a whole raft of very fine lawyers.

one of the best ever? my, that certainly is a high compliment.

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